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Air Filtration & Purification Systems in Courtenay, BC and Surrounding Areas

Protect the health of you and your family with an air filtration or air purification system in Courtenay, BC and surrounding areas. Most of the contaminants in the air we breathe are not found outdoors, but rather indoors. If you’ve got friends, family members, or acquaintances who suffer from asthma or other respiratory sensitivities, it’s a good idea to invest in a serious air purification system to keep your home a safe environment.

That’s why you need a reliable contractor, who is family-owned and native to the area, to provide a practical indoor air quality solution for your home that’s perfect for your budget and your property. From air filtration systems to UV air purifiers, there are a plethora of instruments, filters, and pieces of equipment that can keep your air quality up to snuff. Let the Daikin Comfort Pros of North Island keep your home protected.

Call Temprite Climate Solutions today for an air purifier system for your home in Courtenay, BC that protects you and your family from germs and contaminants. For a job done right, call Temprite!

The Difference Between an Air Filter and an Air Purifier

Air filtration systems are different than their purification counterparts. In Courtenay, BC and surrounding areas we offer both types of systems since there can be multiple problems to arise from poor air quality. Air filters can keep dust, debris, smoke, and other large contaminants from entering your indoor air by getting caught in a web of filaments that can be cleaned or replaced every few months.

Air purification systems function much differently. We service UV air purifiers in Courtenay, BC, which are installed in your ductwork out of sight. They produce ultraviolet light, which is deadly to microscopic germs and viruses. That means that all the air that goes through your ventilation system is purified and delivered to you free of contaminants.

The Benefits of an Air Filtration System

Whether you’re looking into purchasing an air filter or an air purifier, they provide distinct advantages over a home that doesn’t have these systems. Without an air purifier or filter, your heater or air conditioner might perpetually cycle contaminants through the home without taking them out of the equation. There are a multitude of benefits that can be gained from having an air filter or air purifier, including:

  • Remove triggers for asthma attacks. Asthma attacks are triggered by particles in the air that disturb the respiratory system. This can be anything from the slightest dust particle or piece of debris, to anything else. Air filters remove these particles from the air.
  • Eliminate allergens and odors. Air filters can also remove allergens and pet dander from the air to drastically lower the chances of an allergic reaction.
  • Remove odors. Air purifiers and filters can also increase the overall scent of your home!
  • Reduce the risk of lung disease by removing smoke particles. Whether its tobacco smoke or cooking smoke, both can be harmful for your lungs. Remove these particles with an air filter.

Don’t panic, your indoor air quality in Courtenay, BC and surrounding areas isn’t constantly endangering you. However, over time our air quality can begin to suffer when our pressurized homes are having trouble getting rid of contaminants. Give your home a hand and help those in your family and anyone who breathes your air have a leg up in protecting their lungs from dust, debris, and other contaminants. Contact the experts at Temprite Climate Solutions for expert air purifier and air filtration system services.

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