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Central Air Conditioning in Courtenay, BC and Surrounding Areas

When it comes to central air conditioning in Courtenay, BC and surrounding areas there’s only one team to call. We’re Temprite Climate Solutions, a local family-owned HVAC company that specializes in cooling solutions on the North Island. We’ve got a Canadian Red Seal Certification in refrigeration and sheet metal, an Electrical FSR Certification, a TECA Certification in Ventilation, and we’re Class B Gas Certified. Basically, we’re as professional as you can get.

Pay no mind to our certifications though, it’s the work that counts. We’re constantly challenging ourselves to be better, trying to find solutions for every home that are out of the box and unique to that customer’s central air specifications. This isn’t just about hiring a contractor in the area. It’s about hiring a local business that’s comprised of members who belong to this community too!

Call the pros for an expert central air conditioning installation and repair today. For a job done right, call Temprite!

Comprehensive Central AC Installation and Replacement

When choosing an inverter air conditioner or other type of central AC installation, you’re going to want it sized and set up appropriately. An air conditioner that is sized incorrectly can break down easily or short cycle, which means it doesn’t complete a full cooling cycle and begins putting unnecessary stress on certain components of the system.

There are only two solutions to an AC that’s been sized incorrectly—either call for central AC replacement, or to never have it installed incorrectly in the first place. We know that many systems we service might have been set up poorly due to amateur service, but don’t worry. We provide painless central AC replacements that are sure to leave you happy. Contact our team today!

Central AC Repair and Maintenance by the Best in the North Island

If you’re on the prowl for a new inverter AC or central air conditioner, you might want to consider central AC maintenance. While it might not seem necessary up front, it’s a service that can keep your system happy and healthy for as long as possible, while alerting you to any central AC repairs that jump up in the future.

Repairs and maintenance really go hand in hand. It’s extremely rare that your system will go its whole life without needing repairs, but it’s always better to see the repairs coming ahead of time. Having central AC maintenance performed yearly means that you’re always ready for what’s to come and you’ll get the go ahead from one of our technicians that your air conditioner is really up to snuff.

We Service Inverter Air Conditioners Too!

If you’ve never heard of inverter AC systems, but you’re on the market for a central air conditioner, you’re in for a treat! Most regular central AC models have two speeds when functioning—off and on. That means your system will be turning on and off frequently while it tries to cool your home. Turning on is often more energy intensive, which is why that can sometimes be a problem.

Introducing the inverter AC! It uses a complex system that allows for multiple cooling speeds, allowing your system to quietly run in the background while keeping temperatures to your exact specification. It can cool your home after a long vacation while also keeping your home cool when temperatures are mild, without having to turn on and off too many times. Call us if you’re interested!

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