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Commercial Indoor Air Quality Services in Courtenay, BC and Surrounding Areas

Indoor air quality is incredibly important to a business, building, or residential home. When a business or entire building is suffering from indoor air quality problems, there can be a physical risk and eventually a legal risk if you’re not careful. That’s why any business or building owner needs a professional team of technicians that are willing to look acutely at the problem and provide the solutions that can make every bit of difference.

That’s where we come in! We’re Temprite Climate Solutions, a local, family-owned HVAC company that’s concerned with restoring temperature and indoor air quality control to our community in Courtenay, BC and surrounding areas. We’re the only Daikin Comfort Pros on North Island, we’re Canadian Red Seal certified, and our owner Lance is even a volunteer firefighter in his spare time. If you’re looking for a team that’s got your business as their number one priority, look no further!

Commercial indoor air quality is nothing to joke about: contact the professionals today. For a job done right, call Temprite!

The Dangers of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Do you service any customers or have any employees in Courtenay, BC or surrounding area with asthma? If you’ve been neglecting an air filtration system, then we hope not—because there are many contaminants that can aggravate or trigger an asthma attack if you’re not careful. From dust, to cooking smoke, to pet dander, these things can get perpetually stuck in your building’s air supply without any means of being filtered or ejected.

If you’re not careful, contaminants and germs can be trapped circulating through the pressurized air system within your business or building. It requires an air filter to catch these contaminants or an air purifier to eliminate them. Without the proper indoor air quality systems, your air’s health levels can be a hazard to people. Nip this in the bud and call our team today!

The Difference of an Air Purifier or Air Filter

Many germs and viruses are spread through the air in our daily lives. When we’re outside, we’re in an open environment, so it’s harder for bacteria to interact with your respiratory system. However, in a building or business, this is what’s considered a closed environment, which means that due to pressure and sealing, viruses and bacteria can be stuck inside. An air purifier can use ultraviolet light to eliminate the dangerous cells and clean your air appropriately.

However, certain contaminants aren’t living and can be a hazard by just being in the air. Tobacco smoke, cooking smoke, or even dust can be hazardous to people with sensitive respiratory systems and to others in high enough concentrations. An air filter can remove hazardous particles to keep your air permanently clear.

Comprehensive Air Quality Care

Did you know that we install and replace indoor air quality systems? From commercial air purifiers to commercial air filtration systems, we can install a brand new unit or replace your old one. There’s no room for miscalibration; you need a system that makes your business or building better than it was without it—which is what our team in Courtenay, BC and surrounding area does well.

We also maintain and repair these indoor air quality systems, to keep them running appropriately. Give your air purifier or commercial air filter the longest lifespan possible by having a technician provide maintenance on it yearly.

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