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HVAC Rebates in Courtenay, BC

Here at Temprite Climate Solutions, we aim not only to help our customers solve comfort problems in their homes, but to help them enjoy high-energy efficiency from their equipment. We install special high-efficiency air conditioning and heating systems that can make a tremendous difference in how much you pay for comfort in your Courtenay, BC home.

Thanks to current HVAC rebates (which include heating rebates, furnace rebates, and air conditioning rebates), it’s easier than ever for you to upgrade to better living at a lower cost. With a professional installation of qualifying equipment, you can meet eligibility requirements for several thousand dollars of rebates. We’ll help you with the process—feel free to call us with any questions you have.

For a job done right, call Temprite!

HVAC Rebate Savings

The CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program is currently offering rebates to assist homeowners to install heat pumps to replace heating systems such as electric furnaces and fossil fuel-burning furnaces, i.e. furnaces that run on natural gas, propane, or oil.

Heat pumps are an excellent electric-powered alternative for heating that work at superior energy efficiency compared to most conventional systems. Heat pumps also function as cooling systems. Customers have the option to install heat pumps as multi-split systems similar to conventional central air conditioners, or as ductless mini splits.

Available Rebates and Grants

To see if your Home Qualifies for the CleanBC/BC Hydro Rebates:


List of Clean BC/BC Hydro Rebates:


For the CleanBC/BC Hydro Income Qualified Program Details:


Information on the NRCAN Rebates:


Information on 0% Financing for 10-Years, OAC from NRCAN/Canada Greener Homes for an approved system:

Eligibility Requirements

This is an important part: to qualify for any of the above rebates, you must have a licensed professional with a GST number and valid BC business license for the applicable trade to handle the upgrade installation. Temprite Climate Solutions meets all these qualifications to install mini- or multi-split heat pumps for homes in Courtenay, BC and the surrounding areas. Get in touch with us today if you have questions. We’d love to get you started with high-efficiency equipment installations and the rebates that make them easier than ever to afford.

Note: All rebates are subject to availability, have varying end dates, and may depend on qualifying equipment. Please contact our office for the latest information.

Hear What Our Customers Are Saying

Reid was very helpful in teaching us about the heat pump and setting it up. He went way above and beyond.

- Anonymous

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