Temprite Climate Solutions Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Tankless Water Heaters’

Signs Your Tankless Water Heater System Needs Repairs

Monday, September 20th, 2021

A tankless water heater is an excellent addition to many homes. Unlike storage tank water heaters—the kind found in the majority of homes—tankless systems don’t need to run regularly to keep a supply of water heated. This helps them save energy, increase their service lives, and take up less space. Because tankless water heaters heat water as needed, they won’t run out of hot water as long as they were accurately sized and installed. 

Tankless water heaters are precision devices, so they can fall prey to a number of malfunctions, some of which are specific to them. Fast action to have water heater repair in Parksville, BC will keep your tankless system running the way you want it to. 

To help you identify when you have a tankless water heater in trouble, we’ve listed several warning signs to watch for:

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The Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater

Monday, May 17th, 2021

If you found your way to this post, you probably have plans for a new water heater installation in Qualicum Beach, BC this summer. Not only do you have the plans, you have an idea to make the switch from a standard storage water heater (a.k.a. a tank water heater) to a tankless water heater. 

We approve of considering tankless water heaters, which offer many benefits for households. Although a tankless water heater might not fit with your home’s needs—no two households have the same water usage patterns and requirements—you’ll at least benefit from taking a look at what one of these systems can offer you. 

Below we’ll look into the main benefits of using a tankless water heater.

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This May Be the Fall When You Finally Get a Tankless Water Heater

Monday, October 5th, 2020

You’ve been thinking about it. We know you have, because you got to this blog post and you are reading these words right now. But is this the moment? Is this when you make the switch you’ve planned on for years: getting rid of that old standard storage tank water heater and replacing it with a tankless water heater?

A good question, and we can help with the answer. But to get a full professional answer about installing a tankless water heater in Courtenay, BC, you’ll need to make an appointment with our experts. We can analyze your current situation and see what the best way forward is.

Is Your Current Water Heater Truly Finished?

Before you choose to have a new water heater of any type installed, you need to be certain you aren’t throwing away the current water heater too early. Most storage water heaters can last for more than 15 years, although past 20 years is pushing it—that’s a good time for a replacement.

If your current water heater is struggling to deliver the expected volume of hot water, is costing more than it once did to operate, or is starting to leak or corrode, then it’s also time to have it replaced. Our technicians can help find out if repairs can keep it going, but they’ll also tell you when repairs are throwing money away that you could spend on a new system.

What About the Tankless Water Heater Appeals to You?

We’re not trying to drive you away from a tankless water heater, not at all! In fact, there are probably some benefits to using a tankless system that you don’t know about. So, think about why you’re eager to have this type of water heater in your home. Is it …

  • The unlimited hot water supply? This is a huge one for people—a tankless hot water heater can’t run out of its supply of hot water because it doesn’t have one. It always heats up more. The system can be overwhelmed if multiple taps are on at one time, however, so you need to know how your household uses water.
  • The energy savings? A tankless water heater is more expensive to purchase than a storage tank water heater, but the amount of money it saves in energy reduction will pay you back in a few years.
  • The small size? Say goodbye to that space-consuming tank—tankless water heaters can be small enough to be installed onto a wall.
  • The longevity? With less energy consumed and work done, a tankless water heater ages slower than a standard water heater. You’ll have many more years to enjoy those energy savings and other benefits.

Let the Professionals Guide You

You must have professionals install a water heater of any kind in your house, so have them on the job early to help you make the right choice. Our water heater pros can help you find the ideal new water heater and size it properly so it delivers the results you expect.

Temprite Climate Solutions serves Courtenay, BC and Surrounding Areas. For a job done right, call Temprite!

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