Proper ventilation is essential for having the best indoor air quality for a home. People tend to believe that air pollution is a problem that only exists outside—but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Numerous airborne contaminants come from inside a house: cooking and cleaning products, cosmetics, pressed wood, paint and varnish, hobby tools, vehicles in an attached garage, and more. The best way to clean out a concentration of chemicals, smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and plain ol’ dust is to open up the house to circulate a fresh breeze.
We can already anticipate your objection: “How can I do that during times when it’s extremely hot or cold outside?” This is the number one problem. Maintaining energy efficiency in a home requires a sealed home. This is why so many houses today are built tightly with heavy insulation. And its also why so many contaminants get trapped indoors.