Get Your AC Tuned-Up Before the Summer Heat!

June 1st, 2021

Are you enjoying the spring weather? This is one of the most relaxing times of the year when it comes to outside temperatures, hitting that sweet spot between too cool and too hot. But these spring temperatures won’t last much longer. Your home’s air conditioning system will soon start its regular work of cooling down your family—and it might not be ready for the job.

There’s one way to make sure your AC is prepared for the summer, and that’s with a professional tune-up and inspection. Thanks to professional maintenance, you can lower the chance you’ll need to call for AC repair in Parksville, BC or have an air conditioner that wastes money whenever it comes on. 

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The Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater

May 17th, 2021

If you found your way to this post, you probably have plans for a new water heater installation in Qualicum Beach, BC this summer. Not only do you have the plans, you have an idea to make the switch from a standard storage water heater (a.k.a. a tank water heater) to a tankless water heater. 

We approve of considering tankless water heaters, which offer many benefits for households. Although a tankless water heater might not fit with your home’s needs—no two households have the same water usage patterns and requirements—you’ll at least benefit from taking a look at what one of these systems can offer you. 

Below we’ll look into the main benefits of using a tankless water heater.

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What a UV Air Purifier Can Do for a Home

April 19th, 2021

If you’re looking to improve your home’s indoor air quality, you have several options for air quality devices. There are basic filters and room air purifiers you can purchase from stores, but these rarely offer much improvement. The best route is to contact a professional HVAC contractor who works with specialized air quality equipment, such as air filtration and air purification systems, humidity controls, and heat recovery ventilators (HRVs). 

One air cleaning option is the UV air purifier, also known as a UV germicidal light. We offer service to install UV germicidal lights and can answer any questions you might have about them. We’ll address a few of the main questions below to give you a better idea of what UV purification systems do and if you need one. 

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How Long Will My Boiler Last?

March 22nd, 2021

If you use a boiler to provide heat to your house, then one of the biggest benefits you’ll receive from it is a (hopefully) long service life that can overtake the life expectancies of most furnaces and heat pumps. The reason for this longevity is that boilers use fewer moving mechanical parts, and therefore wear down much slower. Boilers still face issues that can arise from corrosion, but these are easily delayed if the system has routine maintenance.

But you want a better idea of what to expect from your boiler. How long will it keep running effectively before it’s time to schedule boiler service in Campbell River, BC to put in a new one?

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The Benefits of a Ductless Heating and Cooling System

February 22nd, 2021

Ductless heating and cooling systems, also known as ductless mini split heat pumps, continue to climb in popularity for both homes and businesses. You may be one of the many who is considering having a ductless system installed for your home. That you’re reading this means you want to know more about using ductless mini splits and how they may benefit your household. 

We’re glad to provide you with answers here. At least some of them: there’s plenty to know about ductless heating and cooling! After reading this, give us a call and we can fill you in on all the details that will help you decide if ductless cooling and ductless heating in Courtenay, BC is right for you. Below are a few of the biggest advantages of ductless mini split heat pumps.

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What Those Odd Sounds From Your Heating System Mean

January 25th, 2021

Your heating system has a series of standard sounds it makes as it operates, and you’ll be familiar with them if you’ve used your current heater through at least one winter season. Although modern heating systems are designed to run as quietly as possible, they cannot run in absolute silence, and the noises of the heater turning on and off, the movement of air through ducts, the firing of burners, etc., are standard parts of winter in your home.

Changes to these sounds are often warnings that you need to call professionals for heater repair in Comox, BC. Anything that sounds “off,” or a heater that is making more noise than usual, is a good reason to have experts examine the system—it’s better to have any problems addressed early before they can develop into bigger problems, or even a system breakdown.

We’ve provided a list of what some of these noises may mean for the heater:

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Furnace Safety Tips for the Winter

December 28th, 2020

Natural gas furnaces aren’t “dangerous” devices to have in a home: they’re not a constant concern for the health and safety of a household. There would be no way gas furnaces would be permitted in so many homes if they easily became deadly. 

However, any gas appliance has the potential to create combustion dangers and toxic gas leaks. As long as you know the basic safety precautions to take with your natural gas furnace, you can avoid such problems. Below we’ve listed the important steps to take to ensure you have a safe winter season of heating with your gas furnace.

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We Now Offer Duct Cleaning

December 11th, 2020

We’ve got good news for our customers looking to get the best-working HVAC system possible: Temprite Climate Solutions now offers duct cleaning along with our other ductwork services (duct repair and replacement).

We recommend homes have duct cleaning done every three to five years, or whenever there are signs the ducts have become excessively clogged. If you aren’t sure if your ventilation system is due for a thorough cleaning, call us to arrange for an appointment. Proper duct cleaning can improve HVAC performance, lower energy bills, prolong the life of the heater and air conditioner, and contribute to less dust and debris circulated through a house.

For a job done right, call Temprite! Temprite Climate Solutions serves Courtenay, BC and the surrounding areas.

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Warning Signs You Need Boiler Repairs

November 30th, 2020

Boilers are among the most dependable heating systems available to homeowners. Because they use fewer moving parts than furnaces or heat pumps, boilers accumulate less wear and tear and in general last longer. 

But there is no guarantee your boiler will always work without trouble. You may need to schedule boiler repair in Cumberland, BC this winter, and if possible, before the repair stops the boiler from heating your house! In this post, we’re going to look at several warning signs your boiler may send that will tell you the time to act is now when it comes to calling us for repairs. 

Rumbling and rattling sounds 

No, your boiler isn’t going to explode or something extreme like that. But when you hear this rumbling and rattling sound from the boiler, it often does mean that something is wrong.

One possibility is the circulating pump is malfunctioning and shaking inside its casing. This is one of the few mechanical parts of the boiler, so it needs to be monitored. If the sound is coming from inside the boiler tank, it probably means there’s buildup on the bottom of the tank, which will cause overheating and make the boiler less efficient.


Water should never escape from the boiler: it’s designed as a closed-loop system. If you notice there is water puddling around the boiler tank, don’t mop it up and ignore it! Leaks put the boiler at risk in several ways, and repair experts need to seal up the leaks and replace the lost water.

Delays in room heating

If you’ve had your boiler for a few years, you know how long it takes on average for the house to start to heat up once the boiler has turned on. If the house is still heating up, but it’s taking much longer than before, there may be a circulation issue with the boiler. If your boiler is old (over 15 or 20 years), this may indicate it’s time for a new boiler. For a younger boiler, technicians can target what’s wrong and have it repaired.

Odd smells around the boiler

A boiler giving off unusual smells is almost always a bad sign. If the smell is acrid, like burning plastic or metal, there may be trouble with the circuits. (Yes, this is true for a gas boiler as well.) If the smell is like rotten eggs, you may be looking at a gas leak, which is a serious problem. Shut off the gas to the boiler. You may need to first call the gas company before calling us, and if your carbon monoxide detectors go off, leave the house immediately. 

Bills are higher than normal

A problem with the boiler may give you no more outward sign than simply making it more expensive to heat the house. There are numerous troubles that can force the boiler to work harder to provide the standard level of warmth you expect, and this will show up on your monthly bills. Don’t shrug your shoulders and pay more: call our experts to see what’s wrong and get it fixed.

Temprite Climate Solutions serves Courtenay, BC and the surrounding areas. For a job done right, call Temprite!

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Sign Up for Heating Maintenance in Fall

November 2nd, 2020

This is one of the most important posts we’ll make this year—the reminder to all our customers and customers-to-be to sign up for heating maintenance for their central heater this fall. Routine maintenance inspections and tune-ups are an essential service to ensure the best performance from a heating system over the winter. 

This “best” performance doesn’t just mean getting an edge in heating quality. It can be the difference between a heater that works each day it’s needed and one that must be replaced years early. It’s the difference between a trouble-free winter with a heater and a system that needs heater repair in Parksville, BC—possibly more than once!

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