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Temprite Climate Solutions Blog

Winter and Spring Are Both Good Times to Have an Air Purifier in Your House


Air purifiers in a house are beneficial at any time of the year. You can always benefit from breathing cleaner air, after all. But the current season and the next—winter and spring—are when you can reap the most benefits from having an effective air purifier in Parksville, BC.

Our technicians are glad to help you find the ideal type of air purification and air filtration system that will ease the troubles of winter and spring.

An Air Purifier and Winter

We have intensely cold winters here in British Columbia, and that means we spend more time indoors in our homes. To heat our homes efficiently and avoid drafts, we have to ensure they are tightly sealed against the outside: doors and windows closed, all air cracks caulked, chimney flues shut, and weatherstripping in place.

That’s all good as far as staying warm and holding heating bills in check. But there’s an unfortunate side-effect to having a house so tightly sealed: it leads to an increase in indoor air pollutants. Any house has multiple sources of air contamination, everything from hobby products and cosmetics to cleaning material and varnishes.

With no easy escape outside, these pollutants will build up in concentration. Air filters can help, but many of the smaller pollutants will slip through filter mesh. It takes an air purification system to remove them.

Winter also brings with it another concern: cold and flu season. Illnesses can rapidly spread around a house during winter—it’s something we’ve all dealt with. Air purification systems such as UV air purifiers can significantly reduce the transmission of germs and viruses inside a home.

An Air Purifier in Spring

Ah, the days are getting longer and the weather is warming up. That doesn’t mean the indoor air quality problems will vanish. Unfortunately, spring is also allergy season. As plants start to bloom and the frost leaves the ground, the pollen count in the air shoots up. The spring blooming may look beautiful, but for people with allergies and asthma, it can turn into a miserable time fraught with sneezing, congestion, coughing, asthma, and the many other symptoms of hay fever.

Once again, an air purifier can alleviate these problems. Working together with the right air filtration system, an air purifier can remove more than 98% of unwanted allergens from circulating through a home. You’ll still be at the mercy of these allergens when outside, but you’ll have sanctuary in your home.

Installing Indoor Air Quality Solutions

We’ve mentioned both air purification and air filtration in this post because most of the time, the two go together. We recommend starting with an air filtration system to trap larger particles, and then add a purifier to catch or eliminate smaller particles and make the air filter’s job easier. Many IAQ systems combine both air filtration and purification to provide the best possible air quality.

To get started, reach out to our team. They can help you locate the right strength of filters and the ideal type of air purifiers to see you have a happier winter and less sneezy spring.

Temprite Climate Solutions serves Courtenay, BC and Surrounding Areas. For a job done right, call Temprite!

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