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Temprite Climate Solutions Blog

Watch for Late-Season Furnace Repair Warnings

Service technician testing a furnace

We won’t truly enjoy warmer spring weather for at least another month, and even then the temperature swings can be shaky. The short of it is you need to have your furnace working well through the spring. Now is not the time to ignore troubles with your furnace just because you might be able to “wait it out.”

There are several important reasons to always act fast on furnace repairs, but the top one is that a natural gas furnace (which is what you probably have in your home) may turn hazardous if repair needs are ignored. Gas furnaces aren’t an inherently dangerous type of heating system, but negligence raises the chance of safety hazards.

Here’s What to Watch For

During the early spring, keep a close watch on any unusual behavior from the furnace. That way you’ll be able to schedule repairs early and have the problem solved before it becomes larger and more expensive to fix. Here are the major warning signs that will alert you:

  • Drop-in capacity: This means that the furnace is no longer able to reach the comfort setting you want from it. This will sometimes appear as cold spots in rooms, or it could be the furnace needing to run longer to reach the thermostat setting when it never had to before.
  • Loud operation: You know what kind of sounds your furnace makes during the winter. When those sounds start to change and become louder and stranger, it often means the furnace needs to be repaired. Some specific noises to watch for are grinding, mechanical shrieking, clanging, clicking, booming, and rattling. Some of these could warn about a cracked heat exchanger—a safety hazard—so don’t hesitate to call for technicians to repair the furnace.
  • Short-cycling: This is when the furnace begins to turn on and off faster than it usually does. If the heating cycles last less than 15 minutes, and the furnace turns back on a short time after that, it’s short-cycling. Many problems can cause short-cycling, and short-cycling itself is a problem because of all the stress it puts on the furnace’s components.
  • Rising heating bills: Have your natural gas bills risen during the last few months, even though you’ve used the furnace less? This is a big flashing sign that something in the furnace is causing it to drain more power than usual. A technician can discover the cause of this.
  • Circuit breakers tripping: The blower fan of the furnace can overload and trip a circuit breaker. If this only happens once and the furnace runs fine after you reset the breaker, it’s probably not a big issue. But if it keeps happening, time to call for the pros.

To schedule heating repair in Courtenay, BC for your furnace (or other heating system), call our offices. A local, family-owned HVAC company with a well-trained and professional staff. We are the only Daikin Comfort Pro on the North Island, and we are always ready and up to the challenge.

Schedule your heating service needs with Temprite Climate Solutions. We serve Courtenay, BC and Surrounding Areas.

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