Tired of the cold? Or maybe you love the cold—as long as you have a snug place to escape to after a romp in the snow.
Either way, you’re probably glad you have a boiler in Parksville, BC for your home. Boilers provide radiant heating rather than forced-air heating, and there are several terrific things about radiant heating. Below are five reasons to be glad you have a boiler!
1. It Provides Even Heating
Radiant heating works by sending heated water to baseboard heaters, radiators, or in-floor heating elements. These elements then radiate heat that warms everything they touch, including furnishings and other objects.
The system doesn’t rely on blowing around hot air to heat a room. Thus, you won’t find cool spots as is common with other types of heating. Instead, you get a nice, even heat that spreads deliciously through your home.
2. It Creates Cleaner Air
Another advantage to not blowing hot air around your home is that you won’t be blowing dust mites and other unpleasantries around either.
The average person spends approximately 90% of their time indoors. Since the quality of the air you breathe has a huge impact on your health, cleaner indoor air should be a big priority.
3. It’s Highly Energy Efficient
Did you know that many types of furnaces actually heat the air to around 160°F? There is so much heat loss while the air is being circulated through the duct system that the system has to be cranked up that high to provide a comfortable temperature for the living spaces.
With a boiler, however, there is far less heat loss as the heat slowly transfers through objects and furnishings rather than through the air. This system typically runs about 84°F, thus using considerably less energy and being less expensive to run.
4. It’s Long-Lasting
A boiler system can last longer than other heating systems which makes them cost-effective, especially considering they already help save energy.
Consider this: a typical furnace will last approximately 15 years, while a heat pump will last for 10 to 15 years. However, it’s common to see a radiant heating system going strong for more than 20 years.
5. It Creates a Cozy Feeling
You know how sometimes it can get so cold you can feel it in your bones? The radiant heating that a boiler creates helps to chase away this feeling by creating a cozy heat you can also feel in your bones.
The steady, even heat, plus the fact that all the furnishings are warm to the touch, creates a cozy feeling unmatched by other heating sources. It’s similar to the feel you get from the sun on a warm day—and that’s wonderful to have in the middle of winter!
Do You Need Boiler Service?
If you don’t currently own a boiler, we hope this list will give you reasons to consider one as a future heating system installation. If you currently have a boiler, you can trust our technicians to handle any boiler repairs or maintenance you may need.