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Temprite Climate Solutions Blog

April Is a Great Time to Have Your AC Tuned-Up and Ready for Summer

April is the first full month of spring, and the best way to celebrate it is with … a maintenance tune-up and inspection for your air conditioning system!

What, that doesn’t sound exciting? We’ll admit that air conditioning maintenance isn’t often on the list of “fun” spring activities. But it is one of the most important because it will help make the coming summer a lot more enjoyable, convenient, and economic for you.

Why do we recommend you call us for air conditioning maintenance in Parksville, BC this April? Because…

You’ll get ahead of the rush

Ideally, you want to have your air conditioning system given a full inspection, cleaning, and tune-up before you need it running regularly. I.e. during summer. The closer we get to summer, the more people will call us to schedule their AC tune-up.

You can get ahead of the crowds and find a convenient time to schedule your appointment. Then you can relax knowing you’ve ticked off one of the boxes on your to-do list.

You’ll save money through the summer

An air conditioner does plenty of work during the summer, and this causes it to wear down. This wear and tear forces the air conditioner to work harder to do its standard job, and that means it will cost more to run. AC energy efficiency declines by 5% per year on average, but you’ll avoid paying that extra amount if you have maintenance scheduled.

You’ll extend the service life of your air conditioner

You want to get the most years possible from your air conditioner since it means a better return on your original investment in its installation. If your AC can last from 10 to 15 years (this is the standard for central ACs), having to replace it after only 5 to 8 years is a costly service, but one that will likely happen if the air conditioner doesn’t receive annual maintenance. You’ll get the longest service life for your AC when you keep up with April maintenance.

You’ll preemptively solve repair issues

What’s the best way to deal with air conditioning malfunctions? Avoiding them in the first place! This is one of the biggest benefits of having a spring AC tune-up: the inspections, cleanings, adjustments, and other tasks technicians do help prevent more than 50% of the malfunctions the system may encounter. You’ll save money as well as time, and you won’t have to sit around a hot house waiting for repairs to arrive.

You’ll keep the AC warranty in force

Lack of maintenance can void the equipment warranty on an air conditioning system, which can leave you trapped paying for a repair or even replacement that the warranty would have covered. With regular maintenance, you’ll ensure you keep this vital consumer protection in place. 

At Temprite Climate Solutions, we offer a residential HVAC maintenance program to see that your air conditioning system is properly tuned-up and inspected each spring. The program also covers heating maintenance in fall. Reach out to us today to sign up and get on the schedule for an April tune-up.

Schedule your spring AC tune-up today with Temprite Climate Solutions. For a job done right, call Temprite!

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